Thought Experiments: If You Love It Deeper

Katy Borsh
2 min readApr 23, 2021

Yes, I do. I love it deeper in every single way. Perhaps some of you may think what you think about and I need to affirm that as well. Once deeper, always bottomless. Here is definitely room for your imagination and I don’t judge but have you ever tried it deeper than it was yesterday or the day before? Try it. Once you do, this dr*g will inject your imagination once and for all.

I love to observe my inner states. And I can’t help but admit that the real orgasm of the brain begins when you restrain, thereby training and controlling the flow of your internal streams of thoughts.

Can you say that in this way I smoothly introduced the conversation about free will into the post? Would you read it to the end if I said that I will buy ice cream at my own expense to everyone who has read it, in order to demonstrate… the depth. I mean the depth of my thought, but what did you think about?

Are you driven by the primary urge to eat ice cream, using the second-order urge to read the post to the end? I was not joking when I said that I love deeper. Now you are trapped in the philosophy of determinism and compatibilism. Might be funny to read it such a weird shit in the night and think about that bloody ice cream. I’m sorry but pistachio is my favorite.

Freedom of the will is the ability to conform your will to the desires of the second order. It is the ability to do what you really want to do, not as your first-order desires forced you. For example, if you are on a diet, you can have ice cream because you really want to, but at the same time you know that you want to lose weight to look better, and if you take ice cream, you know that you are not free with respect to this desire.

You are free if you act according to the will, which you yourself desire. Accordingly, the ability to conform to the desires of the first order and the desire of the second order is the basic condition for the existence of freedom. By the way, I also like ice-creams with white chocolate.

If a person knows how to react to reasonable arguments, if he or she knows how to control own desires and follow long-term plans, by understanding the moral reasons to act one way or another, then a person is free. In other words, your desires should not own you, but you should own your desires.

Ice-cream anyone?



Katy Borsh

Dreamt to become a cosmonaut but became a Cosmo Girl. My texts will be alive after my ashes are scattered in space